Today’s Scriptures:
Eph. 6:17
Heb. 4:12
Isa. 5:20
Deut. 20:1-4
2 Kings 6:16
Josh. 1:5
Ps. 34:17, 19
Matt. 12:34
2 Chron. 20:2-3, 15, 17, 20, 22
Mark 5:35-36
2 Kings 4:26
Isa. 41:10
Deut. 28:7
Heb. 2:15
Col. 2:15
Col. 1:13
Ex. 14:13-14, 31
Phil. 4:13
Ex. 13:3
Ex. 15:6
Rom. 12:1-2
Phil. 4:7
Rom. 10:17
Neh. 8:10
Num. 13:1-33
Heb. 10:23
Gen. 11:1-9
God will always have His Way.

God has already given you your freedoms. The enemy cannot take what is rightfully yours.

Freedom has already been paid for by the Blood of Jesus.

Push through the pressure and overwhelming circ*mstances.

You need to know the Word of God and how to use the Sword of the Spirit. Use the Sword of the Spirit to destroy the power of the enemy.

The Word of God is God's Will. It is what He wants for you.

It is time to choose what report you believe.

Have a firm focused foundation on the Father.

This is the time to press into God, fill up on His Word and get into His presence.

Don't look at the circ*mstances or how it looks in the natural. Do not panic. Look to Him. He is bigger.

God is with you and He will not fail or forsake you.

God is reminding you that He has the ability to save a nation in one day. He can and He will.

No matter what you are about to see, do not panic.

The enemy wants you to believe that it's too late and God isn't going to show up. Don't believe his lies.

The enemy will try to bring in opportunities for fear. But position yourself not to be moved.

Fear will always be the enemy's last effort.

God has already disarmed your enemy and brought him to nothing.

Position yourself, stand on God's Word, stand in the Army of the Lord, and do not give into fear. God will deliver you.



Today’s Scriptures:
Amos 3:7
Deut. 7:8-9, 15-19, 21-23
Heb. 13:8
Ps. 33:10-12
Ps. 37:7-13
Prov. 12:7
Prov. 14:11, 32
Ps. 92:7
Ps. 94:23
Gen. 8:22
Ps. 34:21-22
John 17:16
Isa. 54:17
Ps. 116:15
Luke 10:19
Matt. 18:18
John 17:16
Est. 4:14

Have a firm focused foundation on the Father.

The enemies are defeated because of what Jesus already did on the cross.

God will intervene. He is your protector and deliverer.

God keeps His covenant and His promises for a 1000 generations. You are a part of those promises.

God is willing to deliver you but you do not need to know how. Just know He can He will.

Earnestly means to take it seriously. Earnestly remember what God has done.

God is going to wipe out any nation (and enemy) that rises up against you. He will confuse your enemies and cause them to panic.

The plans of the enemies will always fail.

Vengeance is God’s.

Don't give up. Keep standing. Keep praying.

If anyone is against God they will fall and be brought down.

Even people that are wicked can repent and turn from their wicked ways. God longs for that and to save everyone.

God will intervene. He can save a nation in one day.

The prophetic is so important for the Body of Christ right now because God is telling and warning His children about things to come, and getting the attention of His people.

God is exposing things and He will be judging your enemies for what they have done against you.

Keep pressing through all the deception and lies of the enemy. That is why it is so important to be in God's Word daily!

Deception will increase, but you need to keep your eyes and heart on God and His Word.

You WAR by Worshipping and Resisting, then the Wicked are Restricted.

God is going to flood this Earth with His Glory.

Marching Order: Stand, pray, resist, and worship.

Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory

El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible

El Elyon- The Most High God



AS A FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ALL VIEWERS: Many people impersonate Julie Green and Julie Green Ministries. Please BE AWARE OF IMPOSTERS when engaging with people on all social media channels.

Julie Green, Julie Green Ministries, and JGM Team Members will never engage with viewers to give advice or ask about personal finances, financial investments, investing or economic predictions, or personal preparedness. We never ask for money, we never give investing advice, and we will never ask people to invest in any opportunity. We never give our cell phone numbers or email addresses in public forums. And we also do not send people unsolicited direct or email messages saying we need to talk to you.

JGM Team Members monitor social media channels for prayer requests, people impersonating Julie and/or JGM, people not conducting themselves in Christlike manners on our channels, etc.

Please go to our website for all official JGM social media channels: https://www.jgminternational.org/



Today’s Scriptures:
1 Cor. 2:8
Ps. 103:19
Ps. 75:7
2 Chron. 20:22-23
Dan. 4:17
Ps. 43:1
Heb. 10:30
Ps. 44:1-3, 6-7
Numbers 13:1-33
Ps. 34:17, 19
Ps. 47:3
Ps. 46:1-2
Isa. 40:22-23, 29, 31
Eph. 1:11
Est. 4:14
Hag. 2:22
Ps. 105:5-8, 15, 24, 37, 43-44
Gal. 3:29
Deut. 7:9
Heb. 13:8
Rom. 8:17
2 Cor. 4:16-17
John 16:33
James 4:3
1 Sam. 17:47
Heb. 10:23

Things are shifting and changing. The enemies are not going to get what they want.

Marching order: Pray and stand.

God is allowing the enemies to be seen and for their wickedness to be exposed.

You are not supposed to sit on the sideline.

Do not put your faith and trust in a man. Only put it in God.

David earnestly remembered all that God had done for him to save him and you need to do the same. Earnestly remember all that God has done for you.

God's kingdom rules over ALL because God is the judge over all the earth.

You need to wait with a joyful attitude. Praise and thank God and celebrate.

God is in the business of defending the cases of His people.

Jesus is the ultimate defense lawyer and God is the just judge.

Natural things will not save you, so when you're fighting a spiritual battle you need to fight with spiritual power (prayer).

You are Abraham's offspring and you have an even better covenant because of the Blood Jesus shed.

God can reverse things in a day. It's His timing.

God has allowed things to happen to shake up His children, so they stand up, fight back, and dig into His Word.

God needs His children to wake up.

Prophecies mentioned:





A storm is coming, a storm no man has ever seen; no, not like this. It is not a natural storm. This storm is much bigger. This is a storm in the spirit that is destroying the wicked, all they have done, and all they were about to do.



God is shaking things up! And we'll let Him have His way June 7-9. Come expecting miracles, signs, and wonders. Don't miss out!

Click here to register: https://jgminternational.ticketspice.com/holy-ghost-fire-conference-2024



Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 118:24
2 Cor. 5:7
Mark 4:2-9
Rom. 4:17
Ps. 37:9-10, 13, 38-40
Ps. 68:1-6
1 Tim. 6:12
Gen. 16:1-16
Gen. 17:1-2
Rom. 1:17
Prov. 16:18
Isa. 54:17

Do not fear ANYTHING you are about to hear. God is in control.

Your enemies will receive Haman's reward.

WAR: Worship And Resist, then the Wicked Are Restricted

God is the God of justice and rules over all. Justice is the foundation of His throne.

Do not surrender. Fight the good fight of faith.

El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory

God's rule and His verdict will stand.

God is a supernatural God.

Marching Order: Stand and fight (spiritually)
Marching order: Rejoice!

Don't give up and quit because God will not fail.

God is not going to allow the enemies to stand and win.

God is victorious over everything!

Exonerate: when the conviction of a crime is reversed.

Prophecies mentioned:





Woe to those who want to bring out bioweapons —weapons of warfare, weapons to bring out death, weapons to paralyze the nations once again.



Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 2:4
Gen. 50:20
Ps. 47:1-3. 8
Ps. 94:1-23
Ps. 52:1-9
Ps. 103:19-20
Ps. 102:2
Prov. 12:7
Jer. 1:8-10, 12
Job 22:28
Ps. 105:5-8, 24
1 John 4:4
Eph. 6:10
Neh. 8:10
2 Cor. 12:7-9
Ps. 81:7-8, 13-14
Ps. 37:9-10, 12-13
John 8:36

Look to God to save you. Not to man.

God is in control. Not your enemies.

God wins and He has the final say.

Your enemies want to cause chaos and disruption and fear. But you know how to fight the right way (Sword of the Spirit) and make your enemies afraid.

Have a Firm Focused Foundation on the Father.

God will not turn His back on His chosen nation.

God punishes the guilty.

Say God's Words, shout His Words, trust in Him.

Speak God's Words and He will perform them.

You are not to sit on the sidelines. You are to say and do something. WAR (Worship and resist then the wicked are restricted).

There's nothing stronger than the strength of God.

His grace is sufficient. Don't rely on your ability.

God is allowing things to shake because He wants His children to listen to Him and walk in His ways.

It's always been the enemy against God. But none of his tactics ever work. He cannot overthrow God in the Earth that God created.

One day is all God needs to save a nation.

God is going to release His Glory and His power on this Earth like never before. God's Glory is going to shine!

God needs His people free from everything that is keeping them from His Glory.



Come reverently. Come expectantly. Come! Holy Ghost & Fire service is this weekend, June 7-9.

Click here to register: https://jgminternational.ticketspice.com/holy-ghost-fire-conference-2024



Today’s Scriptures:
Gal. 6:7
Ps. 105:24
Eph. 6:10
Phil. 4:13
Hag. 2:9
Ps. 112:4, 6-8, 10
Ps. 33:10
Ps. 78:41-42
Ex. 3:7
Prov. 18:10
Prov. 3:5-6
Eph. 1:21-23
Ps. 113:4
Ps. 111:1-10
Prov. 29:2, 4, 16
Ps. 9:1-20
Ps. 89:14
Ps. 97:2
John 17:16
John 15:26
John 8:32
Matt. 11:28
2 Tim. 1:7

The tables are going to turn on your enemies.

God's Word is living and it is truth.

You are in the time of the shakings and they will intensify. But God's people will be encouraged.

Lean, trust and rely on God.

As evil is being poured out onto the Earth, God's Glory will be poured out even more.

Your enemies will reap what they've sown.

Be confident in the Lord even in bad and evil times.

Earnestly remember God and all that He has done.

God is everything you need in the time that you need it.

God's power and justice will never end.

God doesn't pick perfect people to use. He picks those who are willing and obedient.

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of God's throne.

You need to know about the Blood of Jesus and how important it is. God will always honor the Blood of Jesus.

God is Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end.

God is with you, so victory is on your side.

Rely and trust on God only. God is your comforter, your refuge, counselor, and standby.



It's almost here! If you still need to register, make sure to get your ticket. Join us June 7-9 in Des Moines, IA, for a Holy Ghost & Fire weekend!

Click here to register: https://jgminternational.ticketspice.com/holy-ghost-fire-conference-2024



Today’s Scriptures:
Eph. 6:10-17
Phil. 4:7
John 8:32
Isa. 54:17
Deut. 28:13
Col. 2:15
Luke 10:19
Gen. 1:26-28
Matt. 18:18-20
James 4:7
Rom. 10:17
Gal. 5:1
2 Chron. 7:14
Ex. 15:6

Your enemies are going to make more moves against you, but God is telling you not to fear or give up. Instead you need to be fed up.

You get fed up by not giving in, giving up and shouting the Word of God and using it as a weapon.

Put on the full armor of God every day.

Use the Sword of the Spirit (Word of God) with force.

God is the God of justice, righteousness, and order.

You will be successful against the enemy when you put on the full Armor of God.

You need to know the strategies of the enemy.

Your enemy is defeated and he needs to retreat. You need to know the power you have and start using it.

You have been made righteous through the Blood of Jesus Christ.

The name of Jesus is the name above ALL names

God has given you complete power and authority.

Authority: the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.

Dominion: the power or right of governing and controlling.

God's court is over every court. He is the judge over all the earth.

You should be forbidding, rebuking, demanding your enemies out of where.

God will not leave you or forsake you.

You are a child of God and you are free.

Decree and declare that you enemies will not have your country, president, or justice system.

God is going to make your enemies scream because of their defeat.

El Elyon- The Most High God


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.