Books and Articles by Bertrand Russell - The Bertrand Russell Society (2024)

This is an online collection of over one hundred books and articles by Bertrand Russell.

For a complete list of Russell’s books and articles see our online Russell bibliography. We also maintain a chronology of Russell’s life and an introduction to his analytic philosophy.


These first essays, mostly book reviews, are Russell’s earliest professional writings.

Review of G Heymans, Die Gesetze und Elemente des wissenschaftlichen Denken, Mind, n.s. 4, no. 14 (Apr 1895), 245-9

Review of G. Lechalas, Étude sur l’espace et le temps, Mind, n.s. 5, no. 17 (Jan 1896), 128

The A Priori in Geometry,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, o.s.3, no.2 (1895-6), 97-112

Review of L. Couturat, De l’Infini mathématique, Mind, n.s. 6, no. 21 (Jan 1897), 112-19

Review of J. Schmöle, Die Sozialdemokratischen Gewerkschafen in Deutschland seit dem Sozialisten-Gesetzes, The Economic Journal 7 (Mar 1897), 94-5&nbsp On German Trade Unions

Review of E. Goblot, Essai sur la classification des sciences, Mind, n.s. 7, no. 28 (Oct 1898), 567-8

Review of A. Meinong, Über die Bedeutung des Weberschen Gesetzes, Mind, n.s. 8, no. 30 (Apr 1899), 251-6

Review of J. Schultz, Psychologie der Axiome, Mind, n.s. 9, no. 33 (Jan 1900), 120-1

Review of Boutroux, L’Imagination et les mathématiques selon Descartes, Mind, n.s. 10, no. 38 (Apr 1901), 274

Review of Kant, Cosmogony, Mind, n.s. 10, no. 39 (Jul 1901), 405-7

The Teaching of Euclid,” The Mathematical Gazette 2 (May 1902), 165-7

The Free Man’s Worship,” The Independent Review 1 (Dec 1903), 415-24 Repr. ML Spanish translation, "El Culto del Hombre Libre" by Jose Melgarejo (2023)

Review of G.E. Moore, Principia Ethica, The Cambridge Review 25 (Dec 3 1903), lit. sup. 37-8

Literature of the Fiscal Controversy,” The Independent Review 1 (Jan 1904), 684-8 Lit Review

Review of Louis Couturat, ed., Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibniz, Mind, n.s. 13, no. 49 (Jan 1904), 131-2

Review of L.J. Delaporte, Essai philosophique sur les géométries non-Euclidiennes, Mind, n.s. 13, no. 49 (Jan 1904), 132-3

Mr. Charles Booth’s Proposals for Fiscal Reform,” The Contemporary Review 85 (Feb 1904), 198-206

The Meaning of Good,” The Independent Review 2 (Mar 1904), 328-33 Review of G.E. Moore, Principia Ethica

On History,” The Independent Review 3 (Jul 1904), 207-15 Repr. PE

Religion and Metaphysics,” The Independent Review 9 (Apr 1906), 109-16 Review of McTaggart, Some Dogmas of Religion

A History of Free Thought,” The Tribune (London) Jun 4 1906, 2 Review of Robertson, A Short History of Freethought, Ancient and Modern

Free Thought, Ancient and Modern,” The Speaker, n.s. 14 (Aug 4 1906), 402-3 Review of Robertson, A Short History of Freethought

The Development of Morals,” The Independent Review 12 (Feb 1907), 204-10 Review of Hobhouse, Morals in Evolution

Spinoza’s Moral Code,” The Nation (London) 1 (Apr 13 1907), 276 Review of Picton, Spinoza: A Handbook to the Ethics

To the Electors of the Wimbledon Division of Surrey” (May 3 1907) Election Leaflet. (pdf here)

The Politics of a Biologist,” The Albany Review (London) n.s. 2 (Oct 1907), 89-98 Review of Chatterton-Hill, Heredity and Selection in Sociology

After the Second Reading,” Women’s Franchise (London) 1 (Mar 12 1908), 429 On the women’s enfranchisem*nt bill

Mr. Asquith’s Pronouncement,” Women’s Franchise (London) 1 (May 28 1908), 565

Liberalism and Women’s Suffrage,” The Contemporary Review 94 (Jul 1908), 11-16

Biology and Politics,” The Nation (London) 3 (Sep 26 1908), 918, 920 Review of George Chatterton-Hill, Heredity and Selection in Sociology

Should Suffragists Welcome the People’s Suffrage Federation?The Common Cause (Manchester) 1 (Dec 9 1909), 463-4

Anti-Suffragist Anxieties (1910) Political pamphlet in which Russell demolishes every possible argument against giving women the vote The best thing Russell ever wrote

SpinozaThe Nation (London) 8 (Nov 12 1910), 278, 280 Review of Spinoza’s Ethics, White and Stirling translation

Memories and Studies,” The Cambridge Review 33 (Nov 16 1911), 118 Review of William James, Memories and Studies, (Longmans, 1911)

The Professor’s Guide to Laughter,” The Cambridge Review 33 (Jan 18 1912), 193-4 Review of Bergson’s Laughter, an Essay (Macmillan, 1911)

Review of G.M. Trevelyan, Clio, a Muse, The Cambridge Review 35 (Dec 4 1913), 189-90


German Social Democracy London: Longmans, Green, 1896 (pdf here)

Anonymous review of German Social Democracy, The Westminster Review 147 (Mar 1897)

An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1897

Are Euclid’s Axioms Empirical?” Revue de metàphysique et de morale 6 (Nov 1898), 759-76 Trans. Papers 2 Reply to Couturat’s review of Russell’s Essay on the Foundations of Geometry

The Axioms of Geometry,” Revue de metàphysique et de morale 7 (Nov 1899), 684-707 Trans. Papers 2 Reply to Poincaré’s review of Russell’s Essay on the Foundations of Geometry

A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1900

Recent Work on the Principles of Mathematics,” The International Monthly 4 (Jul 1901), 83-101 Repr. as “Mathematics and the Metaphysicians,” in ML, 1918

The Principles of Mathematics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1903 Repr. 1931 with a new introduction by Russell (pdf here)

The Axiom of Infinity,” Hibbert Journal 2, no. 4 (Jul 1904), 809-12 Reply to Keyser, “The Axiom of Infinity, ” Hibbert Journal 2, no. 3 (Apr 1904), 532-52 Repr. EA

Meinong’s Theory of Complexes and Assumptions” (parts 1-3), Mind, n.s. 13, nos. 50, 51, 52 (Apr, Jul, Oct 1904), 204-19, 336-54, 509-24 A review essay of Meinong’s 1899 article “On Objects of Higher Order” and his 1902 book Über Annahmen

The Existential Import of Propositions,” Mind, n.s. 14, no. 55 (Jul 1905), 398-401 Repr. EA

On Denoting,” Mind, n.s. 14, no. 56 (Oct 1905), 479-93 Repr. LK

Review of Meinong and Others, Untersuchungen zur Gegenstandstheorie und Psychologie, Mind, n.s. 14, no. 56 (Oct 1905), 530-538

What Is Truth?The Independent Review 9 (Jun 1906), 349-53 Review of Joachim, The Nature of Truth

Review of Meinong, Über die Erfahrungsgrundlagen unseres Wissens, Mind, n.s. 15, no. 59 (Jul 1906), 412-415

The Nature of Truth,” Mind, n.s. 15, no. 60 (Oct 1906), 528-33

Review of Meinong, Über die Stellung der Gegenstandstheorie in System der Wissenschaften, Mind, n.s. 16, no. 63 (Jul 1907), 436-439

The Study of Mathematics,” The New Quarterly 1 (Nov 1907) Repr. PE, 1910; ML, 1918

‘If’ and ‘Imply,’ a Reply to Mr. MacColl,” Mind, n.s. 17, no. 66 (Apr 1908), 300-1

Mr. Haldane on Infinity,” Mind, n.s. 17, no. 66 (Apr 1908), 238-42

Philosophical Essays London: Longmans, Green, 1910 Revised ed., London: George Allen & Unwin, 1966

Principia Mathematica, with Alfred North Whitehead, 3 volumes Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1910-3 Revised ed., 1925-7

Principia Mathematica, 1st ed., vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3 (1910-13)

Combined tables of contents of vols. 1, 2, and 3 of PM, 1st ed. (pdf here)

Preface, Principia Mathematica, 1st ed. (pdf here)

The Philosophical Implications of Mathematical LogicRevue de metéphysique et de morale 19 (May 1911), 281-91 Repr. in AE

The Problems of Philosophy (London: Williams & Norgate, 1912) Russell’s most popular book on analytic philosophy

Review of Russell’s Problems of Philosophy by Bernard Bosanquet, Mind (Oct 1912)

On the Notion of Cause,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, n.s., 13 (1912-13) Repr. ML

Science as an Element in Culture,” The New Statesman 1 (May 24 & 31, 1913) Repr. ML

Mysticism and Logic,” The Hilbert Journal 12 (July 1914), 780-803 Repr. ML

The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics,” Scientia No. 4, 1914 Repr. ML, 1918

Russell’s Preface to Poincaré’s Science and Method, London, Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1914

On Scientific Method in Philosophy, the Herbert Spencer lecture delivered Nov 1914, published as a pamphlet by the Clarenden Press, 1914 Repr. ML, 1918

Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court, 1914 Revised ed., London: George Allen & Unwin, 1926

(Google version) Our Knowledge of the External World (1914)

The Ultimate Constituents of Matter,” The Monist July 1915 Repr. ML, 1918

Letter to the Journal of Philosophy, Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods 12, no. 14 (Jul 8, 1915) Russell asserts that for him sense-data are physical objects

Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays London: Longmans, Green, 1918

Preface” to Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays, 1918

Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, 1919 Kevin Klement’s online edition of Russell’s best book Russell’s informal account of the mathematics and logic of Principia Mathematica

The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, The Monist (Oct 1918, Jan, April, July 1919) Russell’s most important book for linguistic analytic philosophers - complete and online

Note on C.D. Broad’s Article in the July Mind”Mind, n.s., vol. 28, no. 119 (Jan 1919), 124

The Broad article referred to can be downloaded as pdf here

Russell’s Introduction to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Kegan Paul, 1922

Theoryof KnowledgeEncyclopaedia Britannica, 13th ed. (1926)

Two Russell reviews of A. J. Ayer’s, Language, Truth and Logic

“Philosophy and Grammar” Review of A.J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic. The London Mercury 33 (Mar 1936), 541-3.

Review of A.J. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic, 2nd ed. Horizon 15 (Jan 1947): 71-2.


The Ethics of WarInternational Journal of Ethics 2, no. (Jan 1915)
Russell on just war theory and an early expression of his moral subjectivism.

Non-Resistance and the Present War,” by Ralph Barton Perry, International Journal of Ethics (Apr 1915) Reply to Russell

The War and Non-ResistanceInternational Journal of Ethics (Oct 1915)
Rejoinder to Perry

War and Non-ResistanceAtlantic Monthly (Aug 1915)

Adsum qui Feci” (trans.: “Here I am. I did it.”) The Times, May 17 1916, p.9

Dreams and FactsThe Athenaeum, nos. 4,642-3 (Apr 18, 25 1919) Repr. Sceptical Essays

Democracy and Direct ActionThe Dial 66:445-8 (May 3, 1919) Repr. Daniel Bloomfield (ed.), Selected Articles on Modern Industrial Movements, H.W. Wilson, 1919

Free Thought and Official Propaganda New York: B. W. Huebsch Inc., 1922

Why I Am Not a Christian, London, Watts & Co., 1927 First published as a pamphlet for the Rationalist Press Association Limited

How I Came by My CreedThe Realist 1, no.6 (Sep 1929), 14-29 Also as “What I Believe,” The Forum 82 (Sep 1929), 129-34 An important autobiographical essay by Russell

The Last Survivor of a Dead EpochThe Listener 16 (Aug 12 1936), 289 Repr. as “Obituary” UE An “auto-obituary” written by Russell in 1936

Philosophyfor LaymenUniversities Quarterly 1 (Nov 1946) Russell’s best statement of what philosophyshould be

Nature and Origin of Scientific Method,” BBC broadcast transcript, The Listener 39 (May 27 1948), 865-6

Scepticism and Tolerance,” BBC broadcast transcript, The Listener 40 (Sep 23 1948), 452-3

A Liberal Decalogue”(1951)

What Is Democracy? A Batchworth Press Background Book, 1953 Repr. FF, 78-110

Education for a Difficult World,” Fact and Fiction, 1961 First published as “Education’s Place in a New Age,” Saturday Night (Toronto), 68, no. 22 (Mar 7 1953), 1, 7-8

The Russell-Einstein Manifesto” (Jul 9 1955)

The Russell-Einstein Manifesto Press Conference (audio), Jul 9 1955

The Story of Colonization,” a BBC European Service talk, Jul 1956 Repr. FF, 120-26

The Pros and Cons of Nationalism,” written for, and rejected by, the New York Times in 1956; first published in Fact and Fiction in 1961

Population Pressure and War,” in The Human Sum, ed. C.H. Rolph, London, Heinemann, 1957 Repr. FF

The Reasoning of Europeans,” a BBC Overseas Service talk, 1957 Repr. FF

The Divorce of Science and Culture,” The UNESCO Courier 11, no.2 (Feb 1958), 4 Russell’s Kalinga prizeacceptance speech

University Education,” Arkansas University Alumnus, 1960 Repr. FF, 120-26

What I Have Lived For,” Prologue to The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell (1967)


Justice in War-Time (1916)

WhyMen Fight (1917)

Political Ideals (1917)

Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism (1917)

The Problem of China (1920)

The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism (1921)

The Analysisof Mind (1921)

Free Thought and Official Propaganda (1922)

Icarus, or TheFuture of Science (1924)

The Conquest of Happiness (1930)

Prevent the Crime of Silence (1971) Reports from the International War Crimes Tribunal.


Education as a Political Institution,” Atlantic Monthly, Jun 1916

The Future of Man, The Atlantic Monthly, Mar 1951

The Bomb and CivilizationForward 39, no. 43 (Aug 1945) A hypertext of Russell’s first anti-nuclear writing.

What Desires Are Politically Important?” (1950) Russell’s Nobel prize acceptance speech.

Last Essay: “1967

The Congo”: excerpt from Freedom and Organization 1814–1914 (1934), Chapter XXXI, Imperialism

TheTwilight of Science: Is the Universe Running Down” (1929)

Books and Articles by Bertrand Russell - The Bertrand Russell Society (2024)


Why does Russell write that philosophy does not provide any answers to the questions that it poses? ›

Bertrand Russell: "Philosophy is to be studied, not for the sake of any definite answers to its questions, since no definite answers can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather for the sake of the questions themselves; because these questions enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual ...

What were the popular essays of Bertrand Russell? ›

His popular writings on politics, morality, and religion included A Free Man's Worship, Why I Am Not a Christian, and Power: A New Social Analysis.

What are the two reasons for reading a book Bertrand Russell? ›

“There are two motives for reading a book; one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it.” ― Bertrand Russell #GoodReads #TBC.

Why is Bertrand Russell so famous? ›

Together with G.E. Moore, Russell is generally recognized as one of the founders of modern analytic philosophy. His famous paradox, theory of types and work with A.N. Whitehead on Principia Mathematica invigorated the study of logic throughout the twentieth century (Schilpp 1944, xiii; Wilczek 2010, 74).

What are the 4 problems of philosophy? ›

Four philosophical problems—predication, speech acts, rules, and innate ideas— are discussed in the light of their implications for psychological and linguistic research. The discussion of predication concerns both form and use.

What was Russell's argument? ›

For a time, Russell thought that we could only be acquainted with our own sense data—momentary perceptions of colours, sounds, and the like—and that everything else, including the physical objects that these were sense data of, could only be inferred, or reasoned to—i.e. known by description—and not known directly.

Was Bertrand Russell a liberal? ›

Russell was originally a Liberal Imperialist but in 1901 converted to anti-imperialism, pacifism and a Pro-Boer standpoint with regards to the Second Boer War. He resisted specific wars on the grounds that they were contrary to the interests of civilisation, and thus immoral.

What does Bertrand Russell believe? ›

Russell's Platonism involves a belief that there are mind-independent entities that need not exist to be real, that is, to subsist and have being. Entities, or what has being (and may or may not exist) are called terms, and terms include anything that can be thought.

Is Bertrand Russell still relevant? ›

Canada's McMaster University obtained Russell's vast archives 50 years ago this year, and the parade of scholars who continue to use them affirms that his ideas are at least as relevant as ever — perhaps more so today, when the threat to world peace seems so grave.

How intelligent was Bertrand Russell? ›

With an IQ of at least 180, it's fair to say that Bertrand Russell was an incredibly intelligent man.

What is the conclusion of Bertrand Russell? ›

Interestingly, in his Autobiography, Russell summarizes his conclusion in Human Society in Ethics and Politics in the following manner: “The conclusion that I reach is that ethics is never an independent constituent, but is reducible to politics in the last analysis.” (523) He reiterates that there is no such thing as ...

What is the main idea of the value of philosophy Bertrand Russell? ›

The primary value of philosophy according to Russell is that it loosens the grip of uncritically held opinion and opens the mind to a liberating range of new possibilities to explore.. The value of philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its very uncertainty. . .

Why didn t Bertrand Russell believe in God? ›

Russell then concludes that he cannot be a Christian as he doesn't think that Christ was the greatest or wisest of all men, let alone God incarnate. To remove any doubt on the issue, he explains that he finds both the Buddha and Socrates to be wiser and more moral than Christ was.

What is a famous quote by Bertrand Russell? ›

Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education.

Was Bertrand Russell a smoker? ›

Bertrand Russell: Mathematician, Philosopher, Pipe Smoker |

What is the problem of philosophy according to Bertrand Russell? ›

In The Problems of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell uses the example of a table to consider the question of what can be said to be real. He ponders whether a physical reality exists separately from our perception.

Why does Russell value the uncertainty of philosophy? ›

What does Russell mean when he asserts that the value of philosophy is to be sought in its “very uncertainty?” Russell believes that speculative interest in the universe is apt to be killed by definite knowledge. The uncertainty of philosophy can free our thoughts from the tyranny of custom and dogmatism.

Does Russell argue that utility or practical use does not belong to philosophy? ›

This utility does not belong to philosophy. If the study of philosophy has any value at all for others than students of philosophy, it must be only indirectly, through its effects upon the lives of those who study it. It is in these effects, therefore, if anywhere, that the value of philosophy must be primarily sought.

What does Russell argue at the end of the value of philosophy? ›

We can achieve a more profound comprehension of the world that surrounds us as well as our position in that world by engaging in philosophical inquiry. In the end, Russell argues that philosophy has the potential to make us more tolerant of alternative points of view and open-minded in general.

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